West Middle School Home

Self-Discovery Begins Here!

The Brockton Public Schools ensures student success by fulfilling the educational, social and emotional needs of all students in the pursuit of instructional excellence.

Upcoming Events

Vaccine Clinic

Time: 2:30 PM – 6 PM
Location: Brockton High School

Vaccine Clinic

Time: 2:30 PM – 6 PM
Location: Brockton High School

Principal's Message

apple on books
Dear Parent/Guardian:
On behalf of the entire staff we welcome you, as well as your son or daughter to West Middle School.
Creating a clean, safe, friendly, academically challenging atmosphere is important to all of us. Establishing a learning environment that is goal oriented, active in our community and responsive to every student’s needs is essential to our school’s success. You are a vital component in our school plans. We invite you to help us build a school climate where every student feels welcomed and is challenged beyond his/her academic expectations. We strive to create a sense of community for everyone, where they feel comfortable contributing in their own meaningful way, learning, and growing both academically and socially.
You are encouraged to join our Parent Advisory Council and to attend School Council meetings. We hope you will maintain contact with your child’s teachers throughout the school year. Our goal is to work cooperatively as a team with you, the community, and your student. We want your son or daughter not only to excel academically but to enjoy school socially as well.
Carlton Campbell

Recent News

Welcome to the New Brockton Public Schools Website!

Welcome to the Brockton Public Schools' brand new website, which we've designed to be easier to navigate than ever before! To help you learn your way around, we've prepared multilingual walkthroughs to click through at your convenience, as well as a video walkthrough created by advanced media and TV students from BHS.

West Musicians Play Alongside Peers at Special Concert

A big congratulations to the West band and Director Susan Goodwin-May, who had the opportunity to perform alongside their peers from other communities at a special event at Scituate High School earlier this month. There were no judges and no scores, just middle school musicians coming together to share their skills!